Prostate Cancer Support Group - Richmond, Va

Meeting Dates - 3rd Thurs. each month - Time 7:00 PM - No July Meeting - The Dec. date will vary - Call for details - Peter C. Moon Phd. at 804-387-2151 between 7 - 11:00 PM - Location - Ridge Baptist Church, 1515 Eastridge Road Richmond, VA 23229



Rva Prostate Cancer Support Group

In good faith, this website was created to furnish you with helpful information. Nevertheless, no one who contributes or posts information to this website makes any guarantee regarding the information provided. Any decisions that you make regarding your health should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare provider.

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Prostate Cancer
WEBSITE VIDEO for men with anxiety or depression from PCa

Us Too Warriors,

"A lot of men would rather not talk to their doctors about it. They don't wanna look as if there's something wrong with them psychologically or psychiatrically like they're crazy."

Far too often, some men hesitate to bring up emotional struggles, fearing judgment or being perceived as weak. But the truth is, these emotions are incredibly common among prostate cancer patients, and there is no shame in seeking help.

Watch this entire session, Strategies for Coping with Anxiety and Depression, by Dr. Andrew Roth at


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Video explaining the difference in the treatments for Advance/Metastatic PCa by Oncologist VS Urologists

Us Too Warriors,

It is helpful if you know the difference between these types of Doctors to get the treatment you may need. I switched from my Urologist surgeon 5 years after my surgery when I had BioChemical recurrence of the cancer. But with My research/scientific background I have always told my doctors the treatment I wanted as I am still doing today for both PCa and melanoma. So far so good- All my scans for 10 Melanoma mets are gone and the PSMA scan can not find my PCa at PSa 1.5.

I am a happy camper for now.

Not only is it important to know the difference between these doctors, it is very important to find a Doctor you can work with that listens to what is important to you. For certain treatments you may have to travel out of the area if you can afford to for a special /Unique treatments only available at certain cancer centers - I have gone to John hopkins for consultation and I was able to get a local cancer center to start a new treatment - Just FDA approved Immunotherapy for my Melanoma called Opdualag.
In this regard quality of life is important to me and has been a guiding principle in my treatment selections.
See the website below for the video


Differences Between Urologists and Medical Oncologists in the Management of Advanced and Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Link 1 : "Treatments"
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Treatment Intensification in Advanced Prostate Cancer" on VuMedi

Us Too Warriors,

The forwarded email below from Dr Moul of Duke University and others that follow deal with recent developments of treatment intensification for men with Advanced PCa.

You can cycle thru the videos to find ones that may help you decide about treatments that fit your situation.

Dear Peter Moon,
I would like to share with you a video I’ve posted on VuMedi:

"Treatment Intensification in Advanced Prostate Cancer".

Best regards,

Judd Moul, MD
Duke Cancer Institute, Duke University, Durham, NC

Link 1 : "Treatment Intensification in Advanced Prostate Cancer"
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Zero cancer, Benefits of Differnt forms of Magnesium in Prostate cancer and other health Issue.

Us Too Warriors,

I have recently been supplementing with magnesium salts for several health issues and one of our members inquired about a stroke he had from high blood pressure. I was aware that magnesium supplements can lower blood pressure so Investigated further and found it has other health benefits depending on the salt form: see below and the video attached. Form: Mg Citrate- Bowel movement; Mg Glycinate- Calming; Mg Sulfate -Afib; Mg Threonate - Brain aging; MgTaurate and Malate - fibromyalgia/pain and Mg Threonate for - Brain aging protection. Magnesium in general activates Vitamin D3 (25 Vitamin D) to the Active form of Vitamin D =1,25 OH vitamin D (Calcitriol) which fights PCa (which I also take in a prescription besides the inactive over the counter Vitamin D3 that your liver and kidney need to activate). Magnesium can reduce calcium in blood vessels and thus reduce blood pressure/hardening of the arteries. It is known that high Calcium in the diet can make for more PCa and more aggressive PCa. The Magnesium dose is 420 mg/d for men and 350 mg/d for women. The Form you take depends on the issues concerning your health. I am presently taking Mg Citrate, Mg Malate, Mg Threonate and Mg Sulfate for my health issues. Mg is best taken with food at night. Mg ions may have benefits as a possible therapeutic agent in the management of glaucoma, cataract and diabetic retinopathy. If you have less than stage 3 kidney function that is GFR less<30 you should not supplement with Mg.

Link 1 : "Magnesium"
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Link 2 : "Magnesium 2"
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You Tube Video Explaining how sugar affects our health and fighting cancer
All Sodas are High Frutose Corn Syrup-Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper etc etc since about 1980!!!!!

Us Too Warriors,

High Fructose corn syrup is the worst bad acting actor sugar that kills people that are skinny or fat and grows cancer and diabetes etc. But Sucrose also is part Fructose and glucose is bad if not as bad as Fructose.

The following video will explain how a fatty liver is produced by fructose just as if you were a heavy drinker and how you can become insulin resistant with a high fructose diet. You will need to check the contents of what you buy at the grocery store if you do not already.

Link 1 : "High Frutose Corn Syrup"
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Video explaining the use of high Dose Melatonin to stop Advanced PCa(& other cancers) Growth

Us Too Warriors,

I have used melatonin for many years to slow my cancer. (this may be important if you have advanced PCa.) I started with 20 mg per night and now I am at 40 mg now. But the video suggests a very high dose like 180 mg/night. Also, with my high number (10+) of CT, MRI and Pet scans radiation, the video suggests 300 mg before the scan to block radiation Damage. Some people(<10%?) have trouble with melatonin even at low doses <10mg,so try low doses before you try higher to see if you can handle it? I Plan to work my way up slowly to higher doses. It does not require a prescription and this site sells a 60mg pill if you are so inclined?


A word of Caution, Melatonin is a blood thinner that can lead to excess bleeding if you have stomach bleeds or hemorrhoids. Aspirin, Aleve ( Nsaids) cause stomach bleeds especially with alcohol use. I use high dose (mega)Vitamin K2 (MK4) from for stopping bleeding and getting calcium (hardening of my arteries) out of my arteries from Vitamin D higher adsorption of calcium. Blood thinning is one of the 8 ways claimed in the Video to slow cancer growth with melatonin.


Dr. Frank Shallenberger, the president of the American Ozone Therapy Association, will demonstrate the crucial role of oxidative therapies in the maintenance and enhancement of mitochondrial energy production, an absolute necessity for better health and optimal aging.

Link 1 : "Optimizing Oxidation in the Care of Chronically Ill Patients"
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SBRT added to Abiratrone after Biochemical recurrence mets is a strong benefit over Abiraterone alone

Us Too Warriors,

Consider adding SBRT treatment when you can to metastasis treatment when possible see website to follow.

The addition of SBRT to upfront abiraterone acetate and prednisone (AAP) reduced the risk of disease progression or death by 65% compared with AAP alone in patients with oligometastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Link 1 : "SBRT"
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Short video describing when a PSMA Pet CT is appropriate

Us Too Warriors,

A Pet is appropriate if you have these conditions.
1. you have Biochemical recurrence after surgery/radiation,
2. You have 50% of your biopsy cores positive on diagnosis.
3. Your Gleason is 4+ 3 or worse on diagnosis.
4. Your PSA is > 10 on diagnosis.
5. In My case, it checks if a couple of questionable spots on
my backbone and lung are PCa active or possibly Melanoma?? as
PSMA binds to prostate cancer. I will get the test in November some time.

See the website Below (4 minute Video)


Link 1 : "video"
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Website that discusses Early Detection of Many Cancers to prevent them from taking your life -Valuable for your Children

Us Too Warriors,

The following website is an up to date discussion of detecting many different cancers which is valuable for younger people to be aware of future dangers and to keep us aware of what we can do to avoid future problems and help our families. It has a good discussion of prostate cancer detection which may be of value to male children in your families. Check it out to see how you can detect cancers to protect yourself and families.


Link 1 : "Early Detection"
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Video of Multiple Cancer detections processes by Dr Peter Attia

Us Too Warriors,

It is evident that men in our group can be subjected to more than Prostate cancer and it is wise to be knowledgeable other cancers.

With this in mind I have added an excellent Video Information on detecting multiple other cancers see below.


Link 1 : "Multiple Cancer Detections"
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Dr Meyers recomendation Video on use of Metformin

Us Too Warriors,

Dr.Meyers Video suggest the use of metformin to fight PCa and reduce aging.

I have used metformin1500 to 2000 mg/day for the last 10+ years which has helped keep my weight equal to my high school weight to 10 lbs above when I can get enough exercise. My special scale suggests my biological age is 5 years less than my chronicle age. Metformin may be helping? A1c<~5.6


To See the Video - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Video"
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PCRI YouTube Videos covering Many aspects of PCa Treatment by Dr Scholz -Good Doc treats only PCa

Us Too Warriors,

Check out the Videos. There should be one that applies to your treatment situation. I have followed his work for about 18 years and he had Dr.Meyers present at many of his Conferences


To See the Videos - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Videos"
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Video website Address for Modern treatment Choices for 4 + 3 Gleason PCa By Dr Scholtz at PCRI

Us Too Warriors,

I recommend you view this video as it will give you insights on treating PCa with today's knowledge base...

Dr. Scholtz is one of the Doctors like Dr. Meyers he thinks outside the box and weighs the side effects on the quality of life.

To See the Video - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Link 1"
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This video discusses good test to see if you need Biopsy by a urologist I put Dr. Androiles on the same level with Dr. Snuffy Meyers.

Us Too Warriors,

When I went to Dr Gerald Androiles website recently I found he had over 800 papers. One of the papers in1996 recommended use of drugs like proscar and avodart as soon as you had biochemical recurrence before the PSA was above 1.0  (started at a PSA=0.3 in the year 2000). You can keep your PSA from rising fast above 1.0 before it takes off (by using these drugs to block Dihydrotestosterone = DHT). It stopped my PSA at <1.0 for 14 years and has added at least 16 years to my life. I think if you are looking at getting Biopsies this is worth looking at.   
 Today's progress update==> I had a port for immunotherapy put in my chest, I got Vitamin C IV approved, I am scheduled for more SBRT of my back and legs, but legs are hard to treat. I start immunotherapy Jan 4 th. The herds of cats are going in the right direction finally.


To Read the Info - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Benefits of MRI Fusion Biopsies"
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Link 2 : "Biopsy"
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Pod cast of the use of IV Vitamin C for advanced cancers Treatment

Us Too Warriors,

This podcast does not discuss IV Vitamin C uses in Prostate cancer but does describe its action in Chemotherapy in some cancers making treatment more effective and reducing side effects. There is still a lot more to learn but this is a good foundation discussion. 


To Read the Info - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Pod Cast"
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This website seems to provide new research For Prostate cancer. Check it out.

Us Too Warriors,

Check this website to find out more below.

Dr. Laura Sena discusses ongoing trials of bipolar androgen therapy in prostate cancer December 5, 2022 - Urology Times staff

Link 1 :
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Us Too Warriors,
Video explains who should get Biopolar Androgen Therapy ( HI T) for CRPC. It works for BRAC2, ATM & P53 Mutant not ARV7

Us Too Warriors,

This video website is very informative for men with CRPC. I have been interested in BAT treatment but this video tells me that I am not a good candidate for this treatment as I believe and am trying to get a test for ARV-7 testosterone splice as my cause of cancer growth.

Jerry Deans may have benefited from this treatment as he was P53 mutated, but we did not have this information early enough before he had bone metastases.

To See the Video - Use the link below:

Link 1 : "'Biopolar Androgen Therapy'"
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Us Too Warriors,
IMPORTANT Do not use LED Bulbs, Low E-Glass or Stay out of Sun. Infrared rays On our body = MELATONIN Anti-oxidant

Us Too Warriors,

I have seen some inconsistency in Vitamin D protection from Covid in which giving vitamin D to someone with low vitamin D, who is sick with covid did not have the benefit expected in stopping Covid deaths . The person needs to have a high vitamin D level before becoming sick to prevent death from covid from supplements and good amount from sun exposure. Ultraviolet sunlight exposure produces Vitamin D but the Infrared rays (the heating rays) produce Melatonin which acts as antioxidant to fight the Oxidation storm in the body which if not dampant kills a person w/covid.

Our grandparents & Great Grand parents knew this indirectly by observation and put sick people outside in the sun even in the winter. Now we are making it worse by staying indoors with air conditioning, LED Bulbs and low E-Glass Windows. I am Glad I have not replaced the old windows in my OLD house with energy efficient windows as I often thought to do. Watch the Youtube website to be informed.

Sunlight: Optimize Health and Immunity (Light Therapy and Melatonin)

Link 1 : "'Sunlight'"
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Us Too Warriors,
Dr Meyers website Video on "Ways to Stop/Slow Prostate cancer Growth"

Us Too Warriors,

Jerry Joined our Us Too Group about 2006 after I had placed some flyers on our Meetings at VCU Dalton cancer clinic at which I was being treated because the doctors then treated me like a colleague and let me guide my own treatment. From about 2006 to 2014, Dr Meyers spoke at our meetings almost every year. Then Dr Meyers health started to curtail his travel. Jerry and I followed a lot of his recommendations to slow our cancer growth. Jerry, My brother, Don, and I attended a PCRI meeting together in Washington DC together in 2011. As Commereation of Jerry, I am sending a Website of Dr. Meyers 2018 Video recommendations to help slow cancer. See below for your information and health in Jerry's memory. Jerry said that attending RVa Us Too saved his life and I first attended in 1995 and it has saved my life going on 28 years. My oldest brother has been saved going on 29 years and my next oldest brother for 17 years from what I have learned being with RVA Us Too/Zero.

Use to help your fight as well as Dr. Meyers website below to arm you for your fight in Jerry's memory.


Enzalutamide, a second-generation antiandrogen, was recently approved for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) in patients who no longer respond to docetaxel. Despite these advances that provide temporary respite, resistance to enzalutamide occurs frequently. Androgen receptor (AR) splice variants such as AR-V7 have recently been shown to drive castration-resistant growth and resistance to enzalutamide. This study was designed to identify inhibitors of AR variants and test its ability to overcome resistance to enzalutamide.

To Read the Info - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Dr Meyers"
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Us Too Warriors,
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with prostate tumor gene expression

Us Too Warriors,
In this video, Adam B. Murphy, MD, MBA, MSCI, discusses the key findings from the study, “Vitamin D has a stronger impact on prostate tumor gene expression in Black men,” which he presented at the 2022 American Urological Association annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Murphy is an assistant professor of urology and preventive medicine (cancer epidemiology and prevention) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois.

To See the Video - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Vitamin D"
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Us Too Warriors,
Video website by Dr. Snuffy Meyers on the use of Metformin- helpful if on ADT, metabolic sydrome & type 2 dibetes ie over weight!

Us Too Warriors,
I have been using Metformin for about 8 years to slow PSA, Check this website to hear Dr. Snuffy Meyers' Recommendations.

To See the Blog - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "Dr. Snuffy Meyers"
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Us Too Warriors,
Dr. Tanya Dorff discusses CAR T-cell research in prostate cancer

Tanya Dorff, MD, discusses findings from a phase 1 clinical trial (NCT03873805) which explored the use of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy in patients with prostate cancer. Dorff is a medical oncologist, section chief of Genitourinary Disease Program, and associate professor in the Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research at City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Us Too Warriors,
Check this website for a 3 minute video on the early developments. See below

To See the Blog - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 : "CAR T-cell"
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Us Too Warriors,
MoonShoot by US Goverment = better screening of PCa to stop Mets & men from dying, Bone scaning & Gleason scoring & profile of Advanced cancer
Patient Profile 3: High-Risk Prostate Cancer

Us Too Warriors,

The articles in "Urology Times" may help you do a better in treating your cancer found at this website that follows below.


To see the Video/Article - Click on the Link Below:

Link 1 :
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Us Too Warriors,
Dr. Meyers talk on vitamin D website attached

Us Too Warriors,

Those of you who have been in the group since about 2010 may remember my research on Vitamin D. I promote measurement of your blood level with a 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D test. I got the results from 60 men as to the level of their level of supplement which ranged from a low of 1000 IU/day to a high of 16,000 IU/day. I was at high end (16,000) because I am a poor absorber (only 60% absorbed in my blood) This put my blood level to near 100ng/ml of blood. This is near the limit of what you want to have and I am on a low milk and Cheese diet to reduce fat, calcium and growth hormones, all bad for the fight with PCa and heart problems. The average Vitamin D intake of the 60 men was 8,666IU (IU =Internationa Units of Vitamin D)and the Blood level average was about = 45 ng/ml which is sufficient, but Dr Meyers recommend and supplement of 5,000 to 7,000 IU/day and blood level of 80 IU to fight diseases and Cancers. Most men in the group did not reach 80ng/ml that level in their blood .

But today I got an email about Vitamin D fighting Covid in which showed in a clinical study that 25.3% of people that went to hospital with Covid with insufficient vitamin D in their blood died of Covid and only 2.5 % died if they had a good sufficient level of Vitamin D in their blood.


To see the Video - Click on the Link Below:

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"Dr. Meyers"
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Us Too Warriors,
What's the difference between a Urologist and a Med Oncologist??
Us Too Warriors,

I think you will find the video below informative as I did even after 28 years of fighting this battle.

The author of the video Jan Manarita is a Dedicated fighter who lost her husband to PCa and some may recognize her from her efforts to put on PCa meetings at Virginia Beach in 2017 and 2018. She has relocated to Florida but is still going strong there.

See Below - Best For the New Year

To see the Info - Click on the Link Below:

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Us Too Warriors,
We all have different life paths and cancer experiences. It may help to hear how others have handled it. With that thought in mind Jerry has volunteered to share his experiences. This is his first installment. A second installment from his wife's view point as his care giver follows in a few weeks so stay tuned.


To hear the Experience Episode #71 - Click on the Link Below:

Link :
"Life Paths - Episode #71"
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Today we continue our discussion on grief and loss by looking at the impact it has on the family. To do this we have invited Jerry's wife, Patsi, to join us.

To hear the Experience Episode #72 - Click on the Link Below:

Link : "Life Paths - Episode #72"
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Us Too Warriors,
Covid -19 treatment at different stages


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Us Too Warriors,
Importance of Vitamin D for Covid 19 and Doxycycline for Covid and most everything else

The below Video on Youtube discusses the value of vitamin D Supplementation on fighting long Covid and death.

This is particularly important in dark skin individuals- AA, Latinos and etc (anyone with low vitamin D blood levels ( OHvitamin D3 levels should be 60 to 80ng/ml in blood. I need 12,000+ !U of vitamin D3.per day as I have low Vitamin D absorbing genes only 65%.)

Also, My research in the use of Doxycycline antibiotic (which I take to slow PCa metastasis) shows that it has wide benefit in the inflammation from these diseases:

Tooth decay, Periodontal disease, Heart muscle damage size from heart attacks, stroke damage size in brain, Covid-19 ARDS=Sepesis of the lungs, Chelation of Iron, Aluminum and Manganese ions from the brain to help slow Alzheimer's, Parkinsons and Multiple Sclerosis. Doxycyclines actions are related to stopping MetalloMatrix Proteinase (MMPs) breakdown (damage) of useful proteins structures in the disease area from inflammation,


To See the Video - Click on the Link Below:

Link :
"Vit D"
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Us Too Warriors,
Vitamin D

You know I have been pushing Vitamin D ( in many forms) as a means of fighting PCa. A recent clinical studies suggest it can prevent 75% of Covid deaths and keep many patients out of THE ICU . See the Video attached to learn more - From Dr. John Campbell on YouTube Best

To Read Register - Click on the Link Below:

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"Vitamin D"
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Us Too Warriors,

Vitamin K2

I have often recommended that members supplement with Vitamin K2 with their Vitamin D2 to prevent hardening of yours of Arteries and its attendant heart disease. I take 3 pills a day of Life Extension Super K with its Vitamin K2 present. The YouTube Video below discusses the need and uses of Vitamin K2 for your information.



To See the Video - Click on the Link Below:

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"Vitamin K2"
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It Appears that Vitamin K2 can slow cancer especially bone Metastasis. Life extension has just put out a high dose Vitamin K2 pill with about 45 the dose of their Super Vitamin K2 that I have been taking for years. This may turn out to be a way to fight bone metastasis in prostate cancer! I am just beginning to investigate this stay tuned
See Below

Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a relationship between cancer incidence and dietary habits. Especially intake of certain essential nutrients like vitamins has been shown to be beneficial in experimental studies and some clinical trials. Vitamin K (VK) is an essential nutrient involved in the blood clotting cascade, and there are considerable experimental data demonstrating its potential anticancer activity in several cancer types including prostate cancer. Previous in vitro and in vivo studies have focused mainly on anti-oxidative effects as the underlying anticancer mechanism of VK. However, recent studies reveal that VK inhibits the growth of cancer cells through other mechanisms, including apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, autophagy, and modulation of various transcription factors such as Myc and Fos. In the present review, we focus on the anticancer effect of dietary VK and its analogs on prostate cancer, with an emphasis on the signaling pathways that are activated following exposure to these compounds. This review also highlights the potential of VK and its derivatives as an adjuvant treatment in combination with other vitamins or with chemotherapeutic drugs. Based on our recent results and a review of the existing literature, we present evidence that VK and its derivatives can potentially be explored as cancer therapy, especially for prostate cancer.

Link 2: "Vit K"
or Go To 13 21 Dasari-2017-Vitamin-k-and-its-analogs-potential (1).pdf

In recent years, several studies have shown that vitamin k2 (VK2) has anticancer activity in a variety of cancer cells. The antitumor effects of VK2 in prostate cancer are currently not known. In the present study, we sought to characterize the anticancer potential of VK2 in both androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancer cells. Our investigations show that VK2 is able to suppress viability of androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells via caspase-3 and -8 dependent apoptosis. We also show that VK2 treatment reduces androgen receptor expression and PSA secretion in androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells. Our results also implicate VK2 as a potential anti-inflammatory agent, as several inflammatory genes are downregulated in prostate cancer cells following treatment with VK2. Additionally, AKT and NF-kB levels in prostate cancer cells are reduced significantly when treated with VK2. These findings correlated with the results of the Boyden chamber and angiogenesis assay, as VK2 treatment reduced cell migration and angiogenesis potential of prostate cancer cells. Finally, in a nude mice model, VK2 administration resulted in significant inhibition of both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent tumor growth. Overall, our results suggest that VK2 may be a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of prostate cancer.

Link 3: "Vit K"
or Go To 13 21 Samykutty-2013-Vitamin-k-a-naturally-occurring-men.pdf
Us Too Warriors,

Prostate Cancer Patient Conference 2020

Check out the 21 different (Including Genetic testing) videos below that will fit your PCa condition.

2 Examples:
Discoveries Arise From Listening to Patients
Radiation Therapy, PSMA, Imaging (and exercise) - An easy to understand guide


More Info - Click on the Link Below:

"Conference 2020"
or Go To
Us Too Warriors,

"“Fluciclovine (18F) PET/CT Impact on Clinical Management of Recurrent Prostate Cancer”

I hope all are well and celebrate a health Thanksgiving. The video attached below is by Dr. Androile who recommended Finasteride (1996) and the Avodart later to stop Dihydrotestosterone fuel PCa growth after BCR - this along with my supplements gave me 15 years of slow PSA growth after I experienced BCR in Year 2000. It is the Axumin test for BCR which he discusses in the video that helped find my Mets which so far Casodex has lowered my PSA which is considered undetectable by standard PSA test.

I think this Video will help you decide at what PSA values after BCR to get an Axumin test. It is more successful as the PSA rises. My PSa was 12.2 ng/ml when I could first get the test after FDA approval ( it is highly effective for detection at this PSA). It is a much better test lymph node mets than mpMRI imaging. MY MRI at that time detected no lymph node mets but Axumin found about 8 lymph node mets in addition to hip bone met. My MRI did not find the hip bone met initially but it did when a new MRI, after the Axumin, was extended to cover my Hips. I did not know the original MRI(s) 2 only looked at the pelvis ( If you do not look in the right place you will not find Mets). I hope this helps

Fluciclovine (18F) PET/CT Impact on Clinical Management of Recurrent Prostate Cancer
Gerald L. Andriole, MD, FACS, asserts that the fluciclovine PET-CT scan has a significant impact on the management of patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer. Best

Summary: Gerald L. Andriole, MD, FACS, asserts that the fluciclovine PET-CT scan has a significant impact on the management of patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer. Prostate cancer recurs in up to 40% of patients treated with surgery or radiation therapy for presumed localized disease. Unfortunately, conventional imaging is unlikely to identify the site of recurrence until the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) level exceeds 20 mg/mL. Choline PET scans are an improvement over conventional imaging but are not recommended until the PSA level exceeds 20 mg/mL.

Fluciclovine PET scans identify recurrence disease in about 40% of patients with PSA levels less than 0.8 mg/mL, but identifies higher portions of patients as PSA levels rise. In a treatment impact trial of more than 200 men with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (the LOCATE study), treatment was changed in 59% of patients once the results of the fluciclovine PET scan were known. In 78% of these cases, the treatment changes were considered to be major.

To See the Video - Click on the Link Below:

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Us Too Warriors,


The RVA Us Too Webinar on Genetics that served as our RVA Us Too "Virtual Meeting" Oct 15 th is now available." Click on the Link Below to see it.

Best Peter

To See the Video:

Click on the Link:

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Us Too Warriors,

Foundation One

My contact David Smarsh at Foundation One gave me the list of Doctors below at Hunter-McGuire Hospital for genetic tests. This is a blood draw test for 374 somatic mutations occuring in Metastatic PCa. ( You must be metastatic to qualify for this test as most somatic mutations occur after mets form). At Hunter Holmes VA Medical Center you can have them reach out to:
Julie Whalen (NP), Nurse Practitioner, Oncology

804-675-5840 -----

Alexander Neuwelt MD, Oncologist

804-675-5446 ----- Best Peter
To See More Video Information:

Click on the Link:

Link 1 :
"Foundation One"
or Go To ***********

To Read More Local Information:

Click on the Link:

Link 2 : "More Loc Info"
or Go To 22 20 More Loc Info.pdf
Us Too Warriors,

Vitamin D

I hope you have been taking high Vitamin D for PCa - which I think should be between 5,000 IU to 10,000 IU for most men. (and Women for Covid) The youTube video address website by Dr Campbell (a hero for his communication on CoVID)==> provides the result of clinical trial that show Vitamin D supplementation Video Proves Deaths and Hospitalization can be decreased greatly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Peter

To See the Video:

Click on the Link:

"Vitamin D"
or Go To

and To Read More:

Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results

David O. Meltzer,MD, PhD; Thomas J. Best, PhD; Hui Zhang, PhD; Tamara Vokes, MD; Vineet Arora, MD, MPP; Julian Solway,MD

Click on the Link:

Link : "Test Results"
or Go To 20 20 Vit D.pdf
Us Too Warriors,

Testosterone Replacement in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer

The video is from Prostapedia discussing work at John Hopkins and U. of Washington. I put website for the video below as I thought you might miss it when scanning Prostapedia.

Testosterone Replacement in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer - Sam Denmeade and Michael Schweizer

Sam Denmeade and Michael Schweizer join Charles Ryan at the 2019 Prostate Cancer Foundation Retreat (PCF 2019) to discuss testosterone replacement in advanced prostate cancer. The three discuss the impact of testosterone on prostate cancer cells, recent clinical trials involving testosterone replacement and the risks and benefits of adding this therapy to one’s treatment plan for prostate cancer patients.

Best Peter

To See the Video:

Click on the Link:

"Testosterone Replacement"
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Us Too Warriors,

Vitamin D3

I have long recommend /taken Hi dose Vitamin D3 for PCa but now the attached Youtube Video website explains Why it is important in preventing an over inflammatory reaction to the Virus that may damage the body and even kill. ( for your information, My C-Reactive protein is extremely low at 0.38 which correlates inversely with Vitamin D3 levels ( 100 ng/ml) which suggest I will be highly protected from the Virus inflammatory damage!!

Best Peter

To See the Video:

Click on the Link:

"Vitamin D3"
or Go To

Us Too Warriors,

Prostate Cancer Research Institute - Videos

The Website below contains many videos with information for different issues with PCa. See what can help you

The Length of time for most of the videos are under 10 minutes and some go up to 2 hours.

Best Peter

To Read More:

Click on the Link:

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Us Too Warriors,

Vit D

RVa US too, family and Severn Men, I have been active in researching the benefit of Vitamin D levels in children in preventing rampant t cavities by increasing saliva flow, increasing calcium in saliva by better gut adsorption and producing antibacterial proteins in saliva.

On a personal basis, I have used it to fight my personal cancer for 26 years when my DNA analysis showed I am a poor Vitamin d absorber. And as Cancer Support group leader I have provider information to my group on its benefits for fighting cancers. website of our group "". I have been successful in the last two years puting My PCa with bone mets in remission !!

Now, I am sending you a youtube website which describes how vitamin D interacts with macrophages to put Covid 19 on an anti-inflammatory path to stop the cytokine storm. I think Dr. Harvey Schienkein at my school would be best at explaining the many steps of the pathway of how it works but there are many references to follow to help understand. See website below, Best Peter

To See the Video:

Click on the Link:

"Vit D"
or Go To

Us Too Warriors,

Dr. Meyers Prescription

I thought you might want to revisit Dr. Meyers prescription to see if it has anything to help you control your cancer. it is Attached below:

Best Peter

To Read More:

Click on the Link:

"Dr. Meyers Prescription"
or Go To


How to Approach a Cancer Diagnosis with Botanical Medicine - Dr. Susan Saccomanno of Mederi Center

Have you been diagnosed with cancer? If yes, you have most likely encountered the labyrinthine medical system and its strict guidelines for treatment or been frustrated by having so few resources for individualized care to improve your overall health. During this talk (recorded from a Zoom meeting on 06.11.20), Dr. Susan shares how she works with cancer using a patient-centered approach that involves an in-depth inquiry into her patient's existing health, detailed labs, and a thorough examination of their pathology reports. She discusses how she uses botanical and nutritional strategies in concert with conventional oncology to support patients in fully optimizing their health. It’s possible to thrive and live with cancer!

To see the 47 minute Presentation:

Click on the Link:

Link: Dr. Susan Saccomanno
or Go To

Us Too Warriors,

Check out this website below for a 10 minute video on ways to minimize some of the effects of ADT like fatigue etc. Some of these side effects apply to me now I am on Casodex Antiandrogen. I learned I need to spend more time in weight training. Also. I have recently heard from Dr. Drake ( Jerry Dean's Oncologist) that ADT does not make you react badly to Cov-19; but Chemotherapy like Taxotere ( which lowers the immune system) may make the reaction to Covid -19 worse. Fortunately, Jerry has just completed (earlyMay?) six rounds of treatment with some benefit in lowering his PSA .
Best Peter

To Read More:

Click on the Link:

Link: Minimize
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Presentations from 30th Annual International Prostate Cancer Update

RVA - Us Too Warriors:


SESSION 1: MEN’S UROLOGIC HEALTH – Taking Control of Your Prostate Cancer Fate
SESSION 5: TRIFECTA OF CARE – Panel Discussion on Integration of Stakeholders in HealthCare

To Watch the 30th Annual International Prostate Cancer Videos

Click on the Links:

Link: 30th Annual International Prostate Cancer Update
or Go To

Non Standard Approach

RVA - Us Too Warriors:

Most of you know I use non standard treatments (I used a local Surgery with Casodex, AVodart & Proscar, Metformin, Doxycycline) - This California Doctor uses another non standard approach with high dose testosterone and avodart. My casodex Drives my testosterone to high levels too (1100-1600).I hope you will find it enlightening.

I think We ( brother and I) may borrow the high testosterone approach as an addition for my newly diagnosed 2nd brother added to my treatment so he may avoid local surgery or radiation to his prostate when added to my treatments for him. He has a relatively low testosterone ~300 which makes him a good candidate for this treat. We have already shown in the last three years that we could drop his PSA by 90% and 70 % on two differ occasions over the last 3 years using my treatment.

Check Out the following video websites By Dr, John Campbell on YouTube to educate yourself. Dr. Campbell has many more (1200) YouTube Videos on Many Health Problems for you to see to educate yourself.

To Watch the Video

Click on the Links:

Link: Non Standard Approach
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Heart IQ

RVA - Us Too Warriors:

These Videos are to raise your Heart IQ so you can better work with your Doctor's to keep your heart function well.

I know they raised my Heart IQ as I try to decide how to make my "SICK sinus node" work better with my Doctors' Help. As we age, it is not unusual for heart issues to arise. The ADT treatment for PCa may make this happen too. Heart attacks for men who already have heart problems may be 2 to 3times higher with ADT PCa treatment especially in the first year after diagnosis and starting on ADT =Lupron. Moreover , Lupron drives men towards metabolic syndrome with increased weight, fatigue resulting in less exercise and muscle loss (Heart is a muscle!) and towards diabetes which is bad for the heart.

Check Out the following video websites By Dr, John Campbell on YouTube to educate yourself. Dr. Campbell has many more (1200) YouTube Videos on Many Health Problems for you to see to educate yourself.

To Watch the Heart IQ Videos

Click on the Links:

Link: Cardiovascular System 1, Heart, Structure and Function
or Go To

Link: Cardiovascular System 3, Heart, electrical system
or Go To

Link: Intro to EKG Interpretation - Waveforms, Segments, and Intervals
or Go To

Alternating High Testosterone and Lupron shots

RVA - Us Too Warriors:

The Alternating High Testosterone and Lupron shots in clinical trials are starting to be reported with positive results at John Hopkins and Seattle cancer centers. A video is attached below. It is not recommended if you have clinical pain from advanced PCa cancer in bones, but it looks as if it may stimulate response to immunotherapy treatment!!!!! and PARP inhibitor treatments!!!!

To Watch the Testosterone Replacement in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer - Sam Denmeade and Michael Schweizer Video
You can also Read the Full Video Transcript.
Click on the Link:

Link: High Testosterone
or Go To

PSMA Targeted Therapies Presentation - Michael Hofman

RVA - Us Too Warriors:

Professor Michael Hofman presented on prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeted therapies during the Management of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) session at the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2019, presenting data from both of his groups in Australia. Dr. Hofman highlights the progress of a single-centre, single-arm, phase 2 study; [177Lu]-PSMA-617 radionuclide treatment in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer of which in 2015, his group started enrolling. Before concluding, Dr. Hofman highlights several trials with 177Lu-PSMA that are ongoing.

To Watch PSMA Targeted Therapies Presentation - Michael Hofman Video
Click on the Link:

Link: PSMA
or Go To

Initial Experience with Actinium - 225 PSMA in Advanced Prostate Cancer - Machaba Michael Sathekge

Mike Machaba Sathekge, MD, PhD presents on the power of medicine, specifically targeted radionuclide therapies and the use of actinium-225 in advanced prostate cancer. Targeted α-therapy with 225Ac-PSMA-617 although still preliminary, has demonstrated strong potential to significantly benefit advanced-stage prostate cancer patients. He discusses the initial experience with 225Ac-PSMA-617 in a developing country, as one of the first groups to provide this therapy.

To Watch 225 PSMA in Advanced Prostate Cancer Video
Click on the Link:

Link: 225 PSMA
or Go To

Treatment Gene Testing

RVA - Us Too Warriors:

I made these comments at the meeting to help men determine at what stages in their treatment gene testing is valuable in planning your treatment . These are my comments

The Attached Video was shown at our Jan 16, 2020 meeting.
Genetics in Prostate Cancer: Identification of Inherited Prostate Cancer Risk –

Leonard G. Gomella, MD, FACS, reviews basic concepts of genetics and genomics, the role of genetics and genomics testing in the management of prostate cancer, and methods of genomic tissue testing. He also emphasizes the difference between recreational genomics and genetic testing supervised and mentored by healthcare professionals.

Best Peter

To Read Peter's Comments - Click on the Link:

Link: Treatment Gene Testing
or Go To 18 20 Notes.pdf

To Watch “Genetics in Prostate Cancer: Identification of Inherited Prostate Cancer Risk” Video
Click on the Link:

Link: Genetics
or Go To

26th Annual Prostate Cancer Foundation Scientific Retreat.

Us Too warriors,

This event brought together Us TOO prostate cancer patient and caregiver support group leaders and four of the leading medical professionals to discuss the latest developments in prostate cancer research and treatments. We’re pleased to share this knowledge with the prostate cancer community through the following videos from each of the presentations:

Dr. Heather Cheng - Overviews Genetic Testing in Prostate Cancer
Dr. Alicia Morgans - Discusses Advances In Treatments for Prostate Cancer Patients
Dr. Stacy Loeb - Discusses Reliable Digital Sources For Prostate Cancer Health Information
Dr. Isla Garraway - Discusses Clinical Trials For Prostate Cancer Patients

To see the Videos - Click on Our Link

Link: Developments
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Advanced Prostate Cancer Clinic: What’s Changing? - Maha Hussain

Us Too warriors,

This video evaluates many of the ongoing clinical trials and the complexity of choice for PCa patients.

Maha Hussain highlights the pearls in the treatment landscape of metastatic hormone-sensitive, castration-resistant, and non-metastatic castration-resistant disease that came out of the last few years in prostate cancer in terms of the evolution of therapeutics. She details a plethora of clinical trials that had led to significant clinical benefit for patients, primarily overall survival advantages and improvement in the quality of life and pain control and provides her summary of where treatment stands and is headed in these disease spaces.

To see the Video - Click on Our Link

Link: Advanced Prostate Cancer Clinic
or Go To

Us Too warriors,

Genetic testing to detect cancer mutations is making progress in ADvanced Prostate cancer with the hope of finding a drug aim at the mutation or developing drugs to attack the many mutations in what is called precision medicine. I am planning to get a speaker to discuss these points for the January meeting.

This website video speaks to this point.
Molecular Genetic Testing in Prostate Cancer - Wassim Abida

Wassim Abida provides a current roadmap for molecular genetic subtyping in prostate cancer with the main goal of targeting the right therapies for progressing patients. The one clear indication for molecular testing at this point is in the identification of MSI-high prostate cancer because pembrolizumab is approved for this indication. Investigational PARP inhibitors (poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor) is a substance that blocks an enzyme in cells called PARP. PARP helps repair DNA when it becomes damaged.

To see the Video - Click on Our Link

Link: Wassim Abida
or Go To

Us TOO Presents: Prostate Cancer Pathways

Prostate Cancer Pathways Event and Webcast
Presented by Us TOO
Recorded Saturday, November 9, 2019
at Northwestern Medicine, Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center
Chicago, IL

With Presenting Experts:

Sean Sachdev, MD - Radiation Treatment Options & Potential/ Probable Side Effects
Maha Hussain, MD - Advanced Prostate Cancer & Clinical Trials
Nelson Bennett, Jr., MD - Moderator & Sexual Health After Prostate Cancer Treatment
Carmen Williams, MS, CGC - Genetics & Genomics
Shilajit D. Kundu, MD - Initial Diagnosis: Active Surveillance, Surgical Options, Potential/Probable Side Effects from Surgery
Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH - Moderator
David J. VanderWeele, MD, PhD - Molecular Testing & Bone Support

To Read more and see the Video - Click on the Link BELOW:


Link: Pathways
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Imaging Bone (Flare) Responses

RVA - Us Too Warriors:

Imaging Bone (Flare) Responses in Advanced Prostate Cancer Presentation - Anwar Padhani

The website video below is intriguing in showing live and dead cells produced in the sequence of treatments for advanced bone Pcancers and showing cells not responding which may be biopsied to determine mutations which may be treated by a different effective therapy!!

Best Peter

To Read more and see the Video - Click on the Link:

Link: (Flare)
or Go To

Prostate Cancer Pathways Event and webcast in Chicago

On November 9, we were very pleased to present the Prostate Cancer Pathways event and webcast in Chicago. Prostate cancer medical experts covered various topics identified as most important to men with prostate cancer, based on recent survey responses from Us TOO support group leaders. Presentations and panel discussions addressed:

Active Surveillance - Surgical Options & Side Effects - Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy - Prostate Cancer & the Penis
Prostate Cancer Patient Perspective - Genetics & Prostate Cancer - Advanced Prostate Cancer
Genomic/Molecular Testing & Bone Strength

Click on the Link to Read and See more:

Link: Event
or Go To
Centers of Excellence - Advanced Prostate Cancer

The below link will take you to State-of-the-industry video lectures by leading urology experts covering various areas of Prostate Cancer.

Two Examples of the various Topics:

Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk With the Use of Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer By Matthew T. Roe, MD, MHS, MHS

Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the United States.1 Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer in American men, and PC is most frequently diagnosed among men aged 65 to 74 years.2 The American Cancer Society’s estimates for PC in the United States for 2017 are about 161,360 new cases. Of these, about 26,730 are expected to die of the disease.

Update on ADT in Advanced Prostate Cancer By Thomas E. Keane, MBBCh, FRCSI, FACS

Prostate cancer is the leading incident cancer among men, and population growth and aging have fueled a 40% rise in global case burden since 2006.1,2 Despite recent improvements in treatment, patients with locally advanced and advanced prostate cancer experience significant emotional distress, diminished quality of life, and increased risk of cancer-specific mortality

Click on the Link to Read and See more:

Link: Video Lectures
or Go To
2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference

The following Videos are from the 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference.

Introduction and Welcome - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
The ABCs of Androgen Deprivation Therapy - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
Intermediate and "High-Risk" Prostate Cancer - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
Systemic Therapies for the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference

To View the 4 above Videos Use our link
2019 Conference
or go to

Demystifying Clinical Trials in Prostate Cancer - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
Management of Bone Metastases and Bone Health in Patients With Prostate Cancer - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
Systemic Therapies for the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
Managing the Side Effects of Prostate Cancer and its Treatment - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference

To View the 4 above Videos Use our link
Next 4
or go to

Disease Location, Imaging, and Risk Assessment - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference
Prostate Cancer Genetics 101 - 2019 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference (6/8/2019)

To View the 2 above Videos Use our link
Next 2
or go to

Us Too warriors
"Stress, Chronic Disease and Aging - Donnie Yance, MH, CN, RH"

This video covers most cancers, Western Medicine (procedures, cancer drugs & prescription medicine), Vitamins, Herbs, Types of Alternative medicine and how to tie them all together with a goal of the best long term strategies for the person with cancer. I think you may get some new ideas.

Click on Our Link to see the 1 hr 38 minute Presentation
Chronic Disease
or Go To

Personalized Approach to a Healthy Diet - Donald Yance CN, MH, RH
There is much more to this than what you eat. Spend some time and add some new tools.

Click on Our Link to see the 1 hr 54 minute Presentation
or Go To

Mayo Clinic Minute: Meditation is good medicine
Published on Jul 18, 2019

Us too warriors,
Take a look at the short video below and try it ? You might like the results.
Your caretakers may benefit from seeing it. Also they may benefit from your improvements too.
All the best peter

Stress, anxiety and a lack of sleep are problems that many people deal with every day.
But there is one simple practice that can help: meditation.
To See this 1 Minute Video:
Click on Our Link

Link: Meditation
or Go To

US Too Warriors:
Sugar stimulates Insulin that PCa cells have receptors for which make the cancer grow!! If your blood insulin is already too high or your blood sugar ( glucose) it suggests you need to reduce your sugar intake. Your better numbers are in the lower normal range.

This website from 60 Minutes describes the toxicity from sugar and its brain reward effect that drives us to eat more and more. I find it the hardest thing to give up which means we have to do more exercise to try to burn it up in our muscles as well as eat less sugar that is added to many foods like Ragu spaghetti sauce etc.

I have found that many of the natural agents that fight PCa are either bitter or sour!!!

To See the 60 Minutes Video:
Click on Our Link

Link: Sugar
or Go To

Immunotherapy for PCa: Where Do We Go From Here?- Summary:

In this Talk,
Daniel P. Petrylak, MD, discusses patient selection for currently-approved immunotherapies for prostate cancer, especially in patients with microsatellite instability. He also emphasizes the importance of utilizing immunotherapy early in the disease course.

Click on Our Link to see the Video
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Managing Prostate Cancer in Elderly/Unfit Patients

In this Video,

Dr. Nicolas Mottet presented “Managing Prostate Cancer in Elderly/Unfit Patients” at the 6th Symposium on the Treatment of Prostate Cancer (STOP-6), which was held in Lisbon, Portugal between October 14th and 16th 2016.

Click on Our Link to see the Video
or Go To
Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance in 2019 – Summary

In this Video,

Sigrid V. Carlsson, MD, PhD, MPH, reviews recent guidelines regarding patient selection and protocols for prostate cancer active surveillance. She provides methods for counseling patients who would benefit from active surveillance, but experience anxiety from the prospect of foregoing aggressive therapy.

Click on Our Link to see the Video
or Go To

The Clinical and Biological Factors that Drive Treatment Choice

In this Video,
UCSF oncologist Dr. Charles J. Ryan covers the clinical and biological factors that drive treatment choice and sequence by physicians, and highlights how prostate cancer therapies are emblematic of the progress that is being made against cancer in general.

Click on Our Link to see the Video
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Evidence-Based Chemotherapy for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer

In this interview,
Dr. Haffizulla: So, let’s talk a little bit about evidence-based chemotherapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer. You have actually recently written about chemo for patients with this disease state. What does the literature say about efficacy of chemo for this patient population?

Click on Our Link to see the Video
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Immunotherapy Across Genitourinary Malignancies - James Gulley

In this interview, James Gulley recaps the Keynote Lecture he gave at the GU ASCO 2019 annual symposium discussing immunotherapy across genitourinary malignancies and the different advancements in prostate, kidney and bladder cancer.

Click on Our Link to see the Video
or Go To
The Basics of Why - Meditation & how to use it to deal with PC.

Click on Our Link to see the Video
or Go To
Immunotherapy PCa Video Lectures (13 different Videos)

Thge Videos feature various Speakers on the different Strategies where Immunotherapy has or can show promise.
Click on Our Link to see the different Videos
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Prostate Cancer Pathways for Patients and Caregivers Present:

Video is now available of our Prostate Cancer Pathways for Patients and Caregivers Chicago event and webcast! The webcast was recorded on November 3 at NorthShore University HealthSystem in Skokie, IL. You can access direct links to short video segments specific to each topic at:

Men's Health Risks - PSA Testing - Active Surveillance
Treatment Options - Side Effects - Sex and Intimacy After Treatment
Pelvic Floor Health - Incontinence
And More...
Click on Our Link to see this Presentation
or Go To

Prostate Cancer Pathways for Patients and Caregivers - Englewood, NJ
Recorded Saturday, September 29, 201 at Englewood Health, Englewood, NJ

Subject - Video is now available of our Prostate Cancer Pathways for Patients and Caregivers New Jersey event and webcast! The webcast was recorded on September 29 at Englewood Health in Englewood, NJ.

You can access direct links to the video pertaining to each specific topic at

Click on Our Link to see this Presentation
Prostate Cancer Pathways
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Us Too warriors (7/17/18)
Subject: Video - Long-Term Outcomes of Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer - An Interview with Sigrid Carlsson

Sigrid Carlsson, MD talks with Alicia Morgans, MD about long-term outcomes of active surveillance for prostate cancer, a 17-year experience with active surveillance at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. A study which Carlsson was a co-author on and was presented at the most recent American Urological Association meeting (AUA2018). This was a retrospective analysis of all patients managed with active surveillance from 2000-2017, a longitudinal follow-up and one of the longest-running followups in the world. Included in this discussion are primary findings and treatment-free survival rates.

Click on Our Link to see the 7 minute Presentation
Active Surveillance
or Go To

Us Too warriors (5/25/18)
Subject: Video - Welcome to Understanding Prostate Cancer.

Welcome to Understanding Prostate Cancer. My name is Ken Pienta, Professor of Urology and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. I have been studying prostate cancer and treating patients with prostate cancer for over 25 years. Over 1,000,000 men worldwide and 230,000 men in the United States are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. Three hundred thousand men worldwide and 30,000 men in the US are dying from prostate cancer every year. As people live longer, the incidence of prostate cancer is rising worldwide and prostate cancer continues to be a major health problem. To See this "New Concepts in Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) Agonists vs. Antagonists and All the Rest" Video Presentation (39 minute)by Tom Keane - Click on Our Link
or go to:
Us Too warriors (4/16/18)
Subject: Videos - the advantage of Degarlics over Lupron for ADT.

The below Videos contain good information showing the advantage of Degarlics over Lupron for ADT therapy for heart and Alzheimers problems.

To See this "New Concepts in Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) Agonists vs. Antagonists and All the Rest" Video Presentation (39 minute)by Tom Keane - Click on Our Link
Tom Keane
or go to:

To See this "Cardiovascular Outcomes in Prostate Cancer" Video Presentation (20 minute)by Susan Slovin - Click on Our Link
Susan Slovin
or go to:

To See this "The Role of Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease" Video Presentation (20 minute)by Jehonathan H. Pinthus - Click on Our Link
Jehonathan H. Pinthus
or go to:

Us Too warriors (4/07/18)
Subject: New Considerations for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer

Thomas J. Pugh, MD, presented “New Considerations for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer” at the International Prostate Cancer Update on January 27, 2018 in Beaver Creek, Colorado

To View This Video Presentation (15 minute) - Click on Our Link
or go to:
Us Too warriors (12/13/17)
Subject: Theranostics - Combining Imaging & therapy in the next 3 to 5 Years a Video by Dr Phillip Koo at MD Anderson Clinic

Neoadjuvant Therapy for Men with High Risk Disease, Genomic Testing and
Hereditary Prostate Cancer and Other Top Viewed Videos

Video Subjects below.

Neoadjuvant Therapy for Men with High Risk Disease Prior to Prostatectomy

Radical Prostatectomy for Patients with Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer: Assorted Mortality Statistics

Genomic Testing and Hereditary Prostate Cancer- Interview with Leonard Gomella

Bone Metastases and Mortality: Can We Be Doing More?

Discussion on FALCON: Impact of 18F-fluciclovine PET/CT on Clinical Management
Choices for Men with Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Discussion on SPARTAN: A Study of Apalutamide in Men with Non-Metastatic
Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer

Click on Our Link to see any and all of these Videos
Top Viewed Videos
or Go To


This in depth discussion of the limitations of MRI shows some of the limitations
of interpreting the extent of the cancer from the images.

It is still one our better tools but it is not perfect especially for cancer lesons less than 1 cm in size.
All the best, Peter

Robert Reiter, MD, discusses the uses of MRI in prostate cancer management, especially its ability to predict biochemical recurrence (BCR). He also explains the difference between mapping and targeted biopsies, and how MRI suspicion score and tumor volume are associated with grade, stage, and recurrence of disease.

Click on Our Link to see the 20 minute Presentation
or Go To

Us Too warriors (1/6/18)
Active Surveillance: Protecting Patients From Harm - Laurence Klotz

Click on Our Link to see the 44 minute Presentation
Active Surveillance
or Go To

Us Too warriors (12/13/17)
Subject: Theranostics - Combining Imaging & therapy in the next 3 to 5 Years a Video by Dr Phillip Koo at MD Anderson Clinic

Us Too Warriors, It is Important to keep fighting your cancer with diet, spices, anti-oxidant polyphenols from color fruits and food along with anti-inflammatories like curcumin add exercise with health oils like olive oil plus throw in a few off label drugs use of anticancer drugs (I am know using 7 off label drugs) and I hope to be around in 2023 when the FDA approves the theranostic procedures shown in the Video attached below. I hope I will not need to go overseas to have access to the procedures which will be available in Europe and India sooner maybe 2 years.
All the best Peter

Click on Our Link to see the 17 minute Video
or Go To
Us Too warriors (11/04/17)
If you have prostate cancer, you need to know this.
Dr Jorge Flechas's talk on zinc & how a lack of it can lead to Prostate cancer.
A MPH Health Presentations at McDonald Road - SDA Church in Tennessee.

Click on Our Link to see the 1 hr 7 minute Presentation
or Go To
Us Too warriors (11/04/17)
Subject: Optimal Duration of Hormone Therapy With Radiation for Localized Prostate Cancer

RVA Us Too Warriors, The length of time for hormone therapy combined with Radiation treatment is a question that many men need to consider if they are considering this treatment combination. The website video below discusses some of the factors that influence this decision. I hope it helps you to consider what is best for you and your situation.

All the best Peter

Click on Our Link to see the 5 minute Video
or Go To
UsTOO Prostate Cancer Support Group Meeting and Webcast on Chemotherapy

To View This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link
or go to:
This Website has 38 videos on all stages of Prostate cancer treatment you can use from Active Surveillance, Comparative Effectiveness of Surgery versus Radiation to ADT.

Us Too Warriors - Look at the videos on this website to learn of the new developments that can help you in your fight against Prostate Cancer.

To View This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link
38 videos
or go to:
Us Too - webcast on Radiation Therapy,
Please note that Us Too has recorded the event and it is now available for viewing in its entirety.

To View This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link
Radiation Therapy
or go to:
This 9 minute video shows in advanced cancer progression was faster in non-rising PSA than in rising PSA.
Alan Bryce
PSA Versus Imaging Monitoring in mCRPC

To View This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link
or go to:
Advances in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
Mohit Khera, MD
Dr. Mohit Khera spoke at the 24th annual Perspectives in Urology Point • Counterpoint meeting on Friday, November 13, 2015 on “Advances in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.”

To View This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link
or go to:
A Review of Recent Data on Disease-related Outcomes Comparing Agonists and Antagonists for ADT
Thomas E. Keane, MD
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC USA

Thomas E. Keane, MBBCh, FRCSI, FACS specializes in managing prostate, bladder, and renal cancers. An avid researcher, Dr. Keane
has served as principal investigator or coinvestigator on more than 20 major clinical and preclinical studies, funded by grants
from the National Institutes of Health as well as industry-funded.

To View This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link
or go to:
Detection of Metastatic Disease in Prostate Cancer: Past, Present, Future.
This Video is a must see per Peter.

Philip Koo discusses the evolving use of imaging in the detection of bone metastasis in the prostate cancer patient.

To Watch This Video Presentation - Click on Our Link

Metastatic Disease

or go to:

Charles “Snuffy” Myers, MD, is a medical oncologist.

The below links will carry you to "You Tube" where this recent search will bring you all of Dr Myers video talks
they have at present. Here you will be able to pick and chose among the various video topics you wish to watch.

Dr Myers is the Go to Urologist for a number of our RVA Prostate Cancer Support Group members.
These videos are only one of the reasons for their confidence.

To Watch These Video Presentations - Click on Our Link

Dr Myers

or go to:

URO Today
Your Urology News and Education Resource.

Here you will find Articles, Videos Lectures, Clinical Trials and more. All are Choice topics on Immunotherapy.
Look Around the site & find the Topic that suits your needs by clicking on their links.

UroToday always offers free, open access to all site content - Enter your email address to sign in and
they will send you an Email link to sign in with.

To Watch The Video Presentations - Click on Our Link

URO Today

or go to:


Development of artemisinin compounds for cancer treatment.

Author's information - Abstract

Artemisinin contains an endoperoxide moiety that can react with iron to
form cytotoxic free radicals. Cancer cells contain significantly more intracellular
free iron than normal cells and it has been shown that artemisinin and its analogs
selectively cause apoptosis in many cancer cell lines. In addition, artemisinin
compounds have been shown to have anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-metastasis
and growth inhibition effects. These properties make artemisinin compounds attractive
cancer chemotherapeutic drug candidates. However, simple artemisinin analogs are
less potent than traditional cancer chemotherapeutic agents and have short plasma
half-lives, and would require high dosage and frequent administration to be effective
for cancer treatment. More potent and target-selective artemisinin-compounds are being
developed. These include artemisinin dimers and trimers, artemisinin hybrid compounds
and tagging of artemisinin compounds to molecules that are involved in the intracellular
iron-delivery mechanism. These compounds are promising potent anticancer compounds
that produce significantly less side effect than traditional chemotherapeutic agents.

Click on Our Link for more information


or go to:


The following video segments were taped during the Us TOO Community Conversation on Prostate Cancer

Education about all aspects of the disease is very important since prostate cancer has no symptoms until it’s advanced. It’s also the
most common cancer among men accounting for nearly 30,000 deaths annually. But with informed decision making, it’s possible to diagnose
prostate cancer early and manage it effectively. The Community Conversation events provide an overview on prostate cancer, physician
presentations, educational materials, survivor stories, and sponsor introductions.

The following video segments were taped during the Us TOO Community Conversation on Prostate Cancer, which was a feature presentation
at the Michigan Institute of Urology’s Sixth Annual Men’s Health Event at Ford Field in Detroit, MI, on Saturday, September 24, 2016.
The same information was discussed in the morning session by Dr. Jason Hafron and again in the afternoon session by Dr. Elisabeth Heath.
The entire event was also broadcast live on the internet.

This is an A to Z learning experience. These short videos will give you the starting points you need to help you make your decisions on this
journey - none of us wish to take. You will fine the time spent here is well worth it.

To Watch This Presentation - Click on Our Link


or go to:
or use the link You Tube

